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Platform Construction Update
Stage 1 and 2:
Bulk Earth works are continuing and are approximately 60% complete. Outfall sewer works connecting Stage 1 and 2 to the point of discharge have almost been completed, internal sewer works are now underway and are approximately 10 percent complete.
Works have commenced on boxing out the internal roads. Road works to upgrade Springs Road to a 25m boulevard are due to commence in the coming weeks. Stormwater drainage works are expected to begin later this month with titles anticipated for May/June 2020.
Stage 3:
Stage 3 is anticipated to commence in November 2019 with titles anticipated for June/July 2020.
Donnybrook Train Station:
Upgrades to Donnybrook Station continue; as 150 new car spaces are being introduced, new platform shelters, two extra bus bays with shelters, improved pedestrian and vehicle access and improved security systems. The upgrade will provide better station facilities for the communities growing population.